Speaking and Facilitation
My “Reflections on Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Development” talk originated from an annual presentation at UPenn's Center for Global Health, and has since evolved to a professional journey story shared with thousands of students from high school classrooms to graduate school zooms.
There are several variations of the talk that share details of specific projects, insights on tech and public/global health trends, entrepreneurship case studies, research methodologies, etc. depending on the audience and timing.
The below recorded version is my attempt to make my journey - and most importantly the lessons I have learned along the way - accessible beyond my immediate presence in classrooms or zooms.
Whether you are a young person choosing a major, or a seasoned professional considering a pivot, my story can provide inspiration and clarity on navigating the next step of your journey.
Select Lectures by Invitation
“Earth as a Stakeholder”
Chestnut Hill, USA — Oct 2022
Boston College Carroll School of Management
“Introduction to Managing for Social Impact” Course
“Reflections on Digital Health”
Online Lecture & Workshop — Feb 2021, Jan 2022, & Feb 2023
Georgetown University Masters in Public Health
Disruptive Technology in Global Health Course
“Reflections on Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Development”
Chestnut Hill, USA — Jan 2020 & Oct 2021
Boston College Shea Center for Entrepreneurship
“Lunch with a Leader” & “Tech Trek” Speaker Series
“Introduction to Health Informatics”
Gaborone, Botswana — Sep 2015
University of Botswana Faculty of Health Sciences
Introduction to Health Informatics Course
“Use of Mobile Learning by Physician Trainees in Botswana”
Dar Es Salam, Tanzania — May 2011
6th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training
“mLearning Success Stories in Healthcare” workshop
“Introduction to mHealth & Design Thinking”
Gaborone, Botswana — July 2014
Youth mHealth Innovation Competition workshop for youth teams
“Use of Mobile Learning by Physician Trainees in Botswana”
Bremen, Germany — Mar. 2011
‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference “mLearning in Healthcare” workshop
“Medical Education, mLearning, and the Potential for MOOCs in Low and Middle Income Countries”
Philadelphia, USA — Apr. 2014
MOOCS4D: Potential at the bottom of the pyramid
Global Health Track
“mHealth in Botswana”
Kampala, Uganda — Nov. 2010
2nd International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development
All conference attendees