
Student Testimonials Context

In 2021, Ryan reconnected with his roots at Boston College and taught “Introduction to Managing for Social Impact” to 36 students, and advised countless students with entrepreneurial endeavors.

Ryan developed a new module for the business school curriculum called “Planet Earth as a [corporate] Stakeholder” and also integrated The Four Agreements, weekly meditations, and self-awareness extra credit assignments into his classroom experience.

Anonymous Student Comments:

“Thank you Professor L-Q for forcing me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable…

“The 2 minute meditations we do at the beginning of class were significantly more impactful on my life than I realized they would be… Thank you for introducing meditation to me, as it has enabled me to approach life in a completely different way than I had initially thought possible.”

“At least I have this dinner in front of me and a widened perspective of the future. Thank you for this assignment, I needed this more than I realized.”